Welcome to the class, everyone. I am excited to get started with this semester. We’ll be covering a lot of ground quickly, learning about the digital and online world and how it can affect your future. I look forward to hearing your take on these issues. This class is now required for all journalism and mass comm students. Take a look throughout the site to familiarize yourself with the topics. First day of class is July 8. On most weeks, we’ll meet in person M-Th, but will have online assignments on Fridays.
I’ll post everything you need to this site. Updates and reminders will appear on the home page. You can see the full schedule on the Outline. And, the other links will provide more information about the class and myself.
I really enjoy teaching this class. I get to talk about all the new and important issues in technology and get to hear your ideas and impressions. Feel free to email me if you have any questions croyal [at] txstate.edu.